Monday, September 14, 2009

Sans Baby

I have posted before about people assuming that all women want to have a baby. Now, almost two years later, I am still peeved about this. The reason my annoyance is not abating is because people won’t stop telling me that my life is not going to be complete without a child.

First of all, it’s none of your damn business. Secondly, you don’t know enough about me or my life to know what will make my life complete.

I’m happy for you if you wanted a child and then had one. But don’t assume that having a child is for everyone.



Peeves and Rants said...

Curly, you should read this piece. I think it's great, for a number of reasons.

But here's a little excerpt that flashed back to me when I read your post: "I have never even idly thought for a single passing second that it might make my life nicer to have a small, rude, incontinent person follow me around screaming and making me buy them stuff for the rest of my life. [Note to friends with children: I am referring to other people’s children, not to yours.]"

The author does goes on to say that there are moments when he thinks that he may be missing something by not experiencing parenthood firsthand. But overall, he seems pretty happy with his choice to date.

The author may not be addressing all of your concerns/perspectives, but still, I think it's a good piece and one worth reading.


Peeves and Rants said...

Thanks, Pru! I enjoyed the article and understand the author's point of view.
